When it comes to maintaining your carpet, one of the most critical areas of focus is the traffic areas. Although regular vacuuming can remove dry soil and debris from your carpeting, it leaves behind oily soils and particles that are produced from cooking vapors, pets, and dirt tracked in from outside the home.
These oily contaminants that are left behind can cause your carpet to fade and become dull. As the contaminants build up they become more difficult to remove. Regular deep cleaning of the carpet can prevent the excessive build up of contaminants and keep your carpets looking fresh and clean. Your carpets may appear clean on the surface, but periodic cleaning by a professional carpet cleaner specializing in deep cleaning can remove what you can't see and help your carpets retain their fresh beautiful appearance.
Regular cleaning of your carpets also helps improve the air quality in your home by removing pet hair, dust mites, and other allergens that thrive deep in the carpet.
What can you do to prepare for your carpet cleaning?
- Vacuum extra good with a new bag
- Move small items and breakables from the area to be cleaned
- Get ready to be amazed by the revolutionary, Rotovac 360® deep cleaning buffer head